Net Zero Emission Labs
Decarbonizing Cement

Our vision is to courageously lead the cement industry from its fossil past into a sustainable net zero emissions future and to produce exclusively net zero emissions cement by 2038.  This makes us a climate-neutrality-pioneer in the cement industry.

We strive to decarbonize the cement production by integrating closed loop recycling management, alternative raw materials, fuels and CO2 abatement measures into our processes. Besides our activities to avoid CO2 wherever possible we work on innovative carbon capture storage and utilization technologies (CCUS) as well as exploring new CO2-usage business models.

With these pioneer-efforts we are a strong contributor on Europe’s path towards climate neutrality.


Our vision is to courageously lead the cement industry from its fossil past into a sustainable net zero emissions future and to produce exclusively net zero emissions cement by 2038.  This makes us a climate-neutrality-pioneer in the cement industry.

We strive to decarbonize the cement production by integrating closed loop recycling management, alternative raw materials, fuels and CO2 abatement measures into our processes. Besides our activities to avoid CO2 wherever possible we work on innovative carbon capture storage and utilization technologies (CCUS) as well as exploring new CO2-usage business models.

With these pioneer-efforts we are a strong contributor on Europe’s path towards climate neutrality.


Circular Economy

Recycling of waste masses, e.g. concretes, is pivotal to reduce process and energy-related emission in Rohrdorfer´s product portfolio. Rohrdorfer assesses here a pathway towards integration of recyclates into its diverse manufacture feeds, i.e. concretes and mortars as well as cement and related building materials. Here, pioneering technologies are developed to optimize recycling and purification such that the re-integration is shaped for rapid integration into existing distribution channels. Circular economy will contribute to a carbon footprint reduction above 30%.

Carbon Avoidance: Material and Process-based

( ~ 67% of total emissions)
The second pillar in Rohrdorfer NZEL´s strategy is focused on the mitigation of CO2 emitted from the freshly produced material. The goal of the CO2 avoidance pillar is to “save” as much CO2 as possible during the manufacturing process in order to decrease the total amount that needs to be processed in the third pillar CCU / CCS.

Rohrdorfer is working on both ends of CO2 emission.
The majority of the CO2 emissions within the cement production process originates from the calcination of limestone. Hence, NZEL works hard on reducing the amount of limestone needed while maintaining a – literally – rock solid product quality. This also implies the reduction of clinker within the cement, a reduced cement ratio in concrete and a reduced concrete demand due to carbonatisation and construction.

Carbon Avoidance: Fuel-based

( ~ 33% of total emissions)
NZEL is also focusing on the investigation of different options for the generation of the required pyroprocessing high temperature heat by Fuel Switch such as:

  • Availability and technology options analysis for enhancing the level of bio-based fuel input
  • Electrification – substituting heat generated from combustion by electric high-temperature pyroprocessing
  • H2 co-firing – Hydrogen based co-firing next to conventional fuels

Carbon Capture Storage CCS

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) becomes essential for industries such as cement, where inherent carbon dioxide process emissions are unavoidable. Even with the substitution of fossil fuels burned in the kiln for heat provision in cement production, emissions persist from the calcination process of the materials. NZEL, a subsidiary of Rohrdorfer, is dedicated to identifying the most suitable carbon capture technology in cement production facilities. Furthermore, NZEL collaborates with pipeline developers to establish an initial carbon dioxide pipeline grid, enabling cross-border transport from Austria to Bavaria in South of Germany.

Carbon Capture Utilization CCU

Embracing a carbon-centric lifestyle demands proactive measures, with Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) emerging as a pivotal role for environmental resilience. We at NZELabs focus on the conversion of captured carbon into valuable products by electrolysis, contributing to the defossilization efforts and turning a once problematic emission into a valuable resource. Adapting these technologies offers a promising path towards sustainability, emphasizing the transformative potential of carbon in fostering a circular and eco-friendly industrial landscape.



Our Net Zero Emission Labs Team currently consists of 30 experts from diverse professional backgrounds such as process engineering, environmental engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemistry and economics, and we are constantly growing.

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A sustainable future – Made in Bavaria


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Dr. Christopher Ehrenberg
Managing Director